What type of hair is used?
Hair Type 1 |Hair Type 2 | Hair Type 3
Human Hair
There are a multitude of sources today to buy human hair for extensions. Hair
can be bought in bundles, on wefts (a weft is a tiny little curtain of hair where
the hair is attached at the top) or pre-bonded, pre-tipped (where bonding
material is already attached to the tip of the hair)
The hair is priced and selected based on its grade, origin, length and texture.
The hair supply industry is unregulated and the result is many unscrupulous
companies offering human hair for sale that is inferior in quality or not at all
what is stated in company advertising.
All hair supply companies claim that they have the best quality human hair on
the market.
Remy, Cuticle Hair
This is hair that is cut off a person’s head. The direction of the cuticle is
maintained. There are many hair suppliers that claim they sell unprocessed
Remy or cuticle hair. To some extent all hair must be processed to ensure
that the cuticle is aligned in the same direction.
Because of the method of collection this type of hair is in short supply and is
quite expensive An expert in human hair can tell the difference between
Remy and Non-Remy hair by touching it. It is said that Remy hair has a cool
and silky feeling when you touch it.
Non experts probably will not be able to tell the difference by looking at the
You really need to be confident in your hair stylist’s ability and trust that the
hair suppliers they use are using the hair that they say they are. A lot of the
hair extension companies process their own hair and sell it directly to the
certified stylists to ensure quality standards.
One indicator of Remy quality hair is the price--It is expensive! Remy quality
hair will last a long time if properly maintained.
Non-cuticle, Non-Remy Hair, Fallen, Brushed
This type of hair is collected from hair brushes and hair that has fallen on the
floor. It is in great supply and is much cheaper than Remy/Cuticle Hair. The
majority of human hair sold today is non-Remy hair.
Because of the method of collection, the cuticle for each hair strand tends to
be in all different directions. In order to compensate for this, the hair will go
through a process sometimes referred to as an acid bath, to completely
remove the entire cuticle. This can be equivalent to about ten perms in a row.
After the cuticle removal process, the hair is dipped in silicone to make it
shine and to cover up any cuticle that were not removed in the acid bath. The
silicone adds weight to the hair and ups the selling price as hair is sold by
weight. At first glance the non-Remy hair will appear silky and shiny.
After a few shampoos the silicone layer will start to wash out. The hair will
slowly become duller, brittle and tangle and matte very easily. This type of
hair is not recommended for any long-term hair extensions for the obvious
reasons of tangling.
Typically non-Remy hair is used in human hair wigs and toupees that are drycleaned.
Virgin Hair
Cuticle-Hair that has not been chemically altered and roots and tips are
running in the same direction. Virgin hair usually refers to European hair as
other origins of hair are rarely sold in their original colors and textures. This
hair is very expensive and in short supply.
CONTINUE TO NEXT Page - More types of hair used for extensions